In accordance with Covid-19 rules, Fotografie AKTIV was able to present a virtual exhibition in 2021, from 20 April until May 30.

Exhibition of the group Fotografie Aktiv:  Lichtzeit


14./15. March 2020 in Eppstein-Vockenhausen



Saturday: 11:00h - 18:00h

Sunday: 13:00h - 18:00h


Vernissage on Saturday at 11:30h

Exhibition of the Fotogroup Hofheim:


"Gerahmte Vielfalt"

04 - 21 August 2019

In the lobby of the Rathaus Hofheim:  Chinonplatz 2, 65719 Hofheim am Taunus


Vernissage on 04 August at 11:00h



10. MTK Fotoschau


7 Photo groups of the Main-Taunus-Kreis present pictures for the joint theme "Shadowy"

as well as each groups' own projects.


Exhibition 03 & 04 November in Liederbach/Ts

Vernissage: Friday 02 November 2018 at 19:00h


Until the end of January 2019, several members of the Fotogruppe Hofheim (including myself) presented their pictures at the

Gesundheitszentrum Kornblum

Lorsbacher Str. 56A, 65719 Hofheim/Ts 

2 Years " Fotografie Aktiv" presents exciting pictures from more than 20 joint excursions during 2016/2017

27-28 January 2018 in Eppstein-Vockenhausen 

My contributuion: 


25 Years Foto Group Hofheim presents  a wide bandwidth of pictures for their jubilee exhibition

08-26 October 2017 in Hofheim/Taunus

My contribution: 


9. MTK-Fotoschau

7 Photo groups of the Main-Taunus-Kreis present pictures for the joint theme " Experimental  Photography" as well as each groups' own projects

28-29 October 2016 in Liederbach/Taunus

My contribution: